A Detailed Guide to Yard Management in SAP EWM

Efficient yard management is a must for smooth logistics operations. SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) provides strong yard management features to track truck arrivals, parking, and departures. This guide makes it easy to set up, configure, and use SAP EWM’s yard
management, making it simple to comprehend and implement.

SAP Yard Logistics offers a comprehensive solution for managing yard operations. It offers order and appointment planning, improved resource use, efficient transport planning, integrated and automated gate-in and gate-out processes, and faster delivery of products and services. The system also allows for efficient activity execution, enhancing customer service and yard throughput. The integration of supply chain management software in the cloud reduces manual efforts in yard operations. The system also allows for the assignment of multiple handling resources to a single user, avoiding duplicate driver registrations, and enhances driver search functionality to help drivers find their driver ID. Overall, SAP Yard Logistics offers a comprehensive solution for efficient yard operations.

What is Yard Management in SAP EWM?

SAP EWM’s Yard Management supports the controlling of truck entries and exits from the
warehouse yard. This includes even the most simple processes, like the registration of truck
entries, up to highly complex assignments of specific parking slots and doors. In EWM, a
yard is described as a specific storage type within the warehouse.

A yard is a storage type in a warehouse, based on SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM). It can be configured with a separate warehouse number, which includes a yard storage type. One yard can be used for multiple warehouses, or a warehouse with multiple yards can be defined. Yard bins are mapped into yard sections, similar to warehouses. Possible types of yard bins include parking spaces, checkpoints, and doors, which connect the yard to the warehouse for stock posting and yard movements. For more information on warehouse structure, refer to Warehouse Structure.

Configuration Step by Step for Yard Management

Enable Yard Management,To enable yard management in SAP EWM, follow these steps:
Navigate to: SPRO -> IMG -> SCM EWM -> EWM -> Cross Process Settings -> Shipping and
Receiving -> General Settings -> Activate Yard Management for Warehouse.

Ensure the warehouse is properly configured with the necessary yard functionalities.

Define Storage Types and Sections

You need to create storage types and sections for the yard:
Define storage types: SPRO -> IMG -> SCM EWM -> EWM -> Master Data -> Define Storage Type.

Storage sections creation
SPRO -> IMG -> SCM EWM -> EWM -> Master Data -> Define Storage Section.

Configure Yard Checkpoints

Checkpoints determine which vehicle enters or leaves the yard: Set checkpoints via:SPRO -> IMG -> SCM EWM -> EWM -> Master Data -> Shipping and Receiving -> Yard Management -> Define Checkpoint.

Use transaction code: /N/SCWN/YM_CHKPT_BIN to assign checkpoints to the respective bins.

Activate Storage Areas

Activate storage areas for managing truck parking and movement
Generate storage areas for yard storage types SPRO -> IMG -> SCM EWM -> EWM -> Master Data -> Activate Area -> Generate Activate Area for Storage Type.

Set Up Warehouse Doors

Warehouse doors link yard activities with the warehouse Define and assign staging areas to warehouse doors: SPRO -> IMG -> SCM EWM -> EWM -> Master Data -> Warehouse Door -> Define
Warehouse Door.

Assign doors to yard storage bins using: /N/SCWM/YM_DOOR_BIN.

Key Transactions in Yard Management

SAP EWM offers a number of transaction codes to handle yard activities:

  • Bin Sorting: /N/SCWM/SBST
  • Checkpoint Assignment: /N/SCWN/YM_CHKPT_BIN
  • Transportation Unit (TU) Creation: /N/SCWM/TU
  • Vehicle Movement: /N/SCWM/YMOVE
  • Check-In and Check-Out: /N/SCWM/CICO

Testing Yard Management Functionality

After the configuration, test the yard management setup with the following steps:

  1. Purchase Order (PO): Transaction code ME21N is used to create a purchase order.
  2. Inbound Delivery: VL31N will be used to create an inbound delivery against the PO.
  3. Vehicle Movements:
    • Check-In: /N/SCWM/CICO is used to register the vehicle.
    • Move to Parking Slot: If the door is full, move the vehicle from the checkpoint to a
    • parking slot using /N/SCWM/YMOVE.
    • Move to Door: Once the door is free, move the vehicle from the parking slot to
    • the door using /N/SCWM/YMOVE.
  4. Carry out Goods Receipt and Unloading: Unload goods and carry out putaway operations at the warehouse door.
  5. Check-Out the Vehicle:Once the vehicle is empty, move it to the check-out point using /N/SCWM/CICO.

Advantages of SAP EWM Yard Management

Implementing yard management in SAP EWM brings along several benefits:

  • Better Visibility: Realtime tracking of trucks in the yard.
  • Better Operation: Minimized wait times through the efficient movement of vehicles.
  • Better Resource Utilization: Optimized use of the number of doors, parking slots, and checkpoints.
  • Seamless Integration: Combines all yard management and warehouse operations for end-to-end efficiency.
Yard Management


SAP EWM Yard Management is a strong tool for optimizing logistics processes. Right from the configuration to testing, the steps described in this guide will provide an understandable guide on
implementation. By following these, organizations can achieve improved efficiency, streamlined
operations, and better visibility within their yards.

SAP EWM Yard Management is a comprehensive solution that optimizes warehouse and logistics operations by providing real-time monitoring, streamlining processes, and managing resources. It enhances data flow, coordination between warehouses and transportation, resulting in faster turnaround times, improved resource utilization, and customer satisfaction. This integration can help businesses achieve growth by enhancing yard operations, reducing idle time, and improving supply chain efficiency.

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