What is a Serial Number in sap? How Do I Find My Serial number ? Why Is it Important To Know my serial number?

This blog will teach you the basics of serial number in sap and their usage for serializing equipment during plant maintenance. We will demonstrate what is serial number ,how to create a serial number profile, add it to the material master record, and create a brand new serial number to be attached to the equipment.

SAP serial numbers feature helps in the management of serialized inventory. It is mainly focused on tracking inventory. It is the serial number that is assigned in addition to the material number within the SAP system MM to distinguish between the individual pieces as well as other items of material.

Introduction of Serial Number in SAP

The SAP Serial number function lets us manage serialized stock-keeping. Serial numbers are numerical or alpha-numeric codes assigned to an item in the material and the material’s number, and it separates the article from other materials.

Serial numbers can be used to identify products uniquely and give you an overview of the products you’ve sold to what customers. Serial numbers are unique when associated with the product, such as Cell phone number 123456789 or Engine no XYZ000000012345.

Serial numbers

Materials are tracked across various business areas like Sales & Distribution going through Production, Quality, Purchasing, and Material Management via Handling Units through Delivery to the Customer. This is known as a Serialization Process.

In an MTO scenario, the trigger of serialization might be the Sales order, which could be connected to a production request and returned when the sales are delivered. It might be by handling the unit’s use, for example. In the case of an MTS scenario, the trigger could come from the production order and later transferred to other work streams, including quality management via delivery against a Sales order.

For instance, you could make use of serial numbers for the following situations:

If a freight forwarder damaged a pallet during transport, Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) would show which engines were used on the pallet, and they could possibly be damaged.You can determine when a partner has reported an item as stolen and then sends the item to you for maintenance.If a client returns an engine that has been damaged, it is possible to determine if it’s the exact engine that you gave them.

The benefit of using a serial number

The main benefit for companies using managing serial numbers lies in the increased capability to monitor and track inventory. The possibility of tracking inventory on an item-by-item basis is definitely appealing, especially for those working in industries that require after-sales customer service as well as under-warranty returns. In reality, the process operates very simply. In combination with Handling Unit Management, serial number management allows warehouse managers to receive serialized products and know precisely where each item is in all of the chains regardless of whether it is at the dock for receiving, in an individual bin in the warehouse, or given to a different location or the customer. So, it’s now possible to know not only the amount of an item in the warehouse at any moment and also where the item is stored, but know what warehouse bin is home to the particular serialized unit(s).

Working with serial numbers

Serial numbers are assigned to one piece of material at different phases of a business process. When should the serial number be entered so that: enable appropriate usage history tracking documentation flow?

What will the serial numbers that must be entered to:

  • it allow usage history
  • relevant tracking of Materials
  • document flow
  • Simultaneously, it helps to avoid unnecessary entries.

How to find serial number in sap

Within SAP, the serial number can be found in the document below.

  • Good receipts with serial numbers from outside
  • Production of high-quality-products
  • internal movement of products
  • excellent points to customers
  • Service notifications
  • Modification of an existing product
  • Add-on to an existing product
image 47
Serial numbers in sap

Process flow of serial numbers

  • Looking for an identity profile for serial numbers
  • A serial number profile has to be assigned to materials needing serialization
  • Master record of serial number created (before or during the transaction)
  • Allows you to create an equipment master in the background , giving access to the entire maintenance and service processing functions
  • Master record of serial number made (before or during the transaction)
  • contains the necessary information to manage serial numbers

Serial master includes details regarding:

  • Status information
  • Stock information (in which plant and where sloc material is where it is)
  • configuration data
  • warranty

How to create serial number in sap

Serial numbers are assigned to one piece of material in various phases of a business process.What will the serial numbers that needs to be entered in order to allow usage history and appropriate documentation and tracking flow for one material item

  1. Is the number of serials required at the time of receipt of goods from the BU
  2. is the code used to be used in the production process for the partsu
  3. is the serial number being assigned to the final product at the time of its production
  4. Is the serial code to be assigned to the sale order or deliveryu
  5. is the number of serials that will be assigned to the customer in their returns deliveryu
  6. Internal/external number assignment

Serial masters

  • Serial numbers can be created through assignment during business procedures
  • All transactions that occur against this serialized content are recorded within the SAP system
  • You can create a serial number profile within Customizing for Plant Maintenance and Customer Service.
  • Serial numbers are allocated internal by the system as well as outside or externally by users)

Inside the Client serial numbers can be made in accordance to the following guidelines:

  1. The serial numbers assigned in the BU are manually entered as external serial numbers in the CU systems.
  2. Returns of goods from the purchaser includemanual recording inexternal serial numbers in accordance with the serial numbers of item returned. item(s) that was returned

Materials produced in the CU are assigned internal serial numbers. The serial numbers will be chosen from a set of predefined serial numbers that can be assigned to particular material. A distinct set of serial numbers must be assigned on each of the three server CUs in order that there isn’t any duplication in serial numbers and material allocation

What is serial number profile in SAP?

The term “serial number” refers to serial numberis an individual number assigned to an individual item of product that allows companies identify, track and track the specific item throughout its entire life. From the moment the item was created it is possible to record and track a variety of information about a serialized item by using the management of serial numbers, for example:

  • If it’s under the status of unrestricted or blocked inventory
  • Which plant is it in?
  • No matter if it’s in your warehouse or the location of a customer
  • What was the date and who was sold
  • What is the warranty’s coverage
  • If it was returned to be repaired and how many times it’s been repaired
  • If it was returned to the warehouse in the form of an exchange
  • It was sold after having been renovated
  • It was whether the piece was placed on a site of a customer or was dismantled and stored at a site for customer use

Serial number configuration sap

SPRO IMG path:Plant Maintenance and Customer Service> Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Technical Objects > Serial Number Management > Define Serial Number Profiles

Follow these steps to set up a serial number. :

serial number in sap pm
serial number in sap pm
  • OIS2 Determine Serial Number Profiles.
  • MM02 You must add the above Serial Number Profile to your Material Master
  • Iq01 Create Serial Number
  • CO02 Inscribing the Serial Number via Production Order. Also, the Serial Numbers can be created instantly by clicking on the Create Serial Number Automaticallyu201D release the order
  • MB31 Complete the GR for the previously produced Production Order.
  • Go to MMBE for Serial Numbers

You can create an material master record, and then enter a serial number profile.You must create the batch master record for the product if it’s to be handled in batches.

serial number management in sap
serial number management in sap

It is possible to create master serial numbers in advance if you would like to create a pool of serial number.From a technical standpoint from a technical perspective, the term “incomplete” master record for equipment is created to accommodate this.

how to create serial number in sap
how to create serial number in sap

You can make the configuration information to create master serial numbers.The serial number is assigned to materials in the event that business processes are conducted (for instance, a purchase receipt)Or, you can assign manually serial master records you made prior to time either

The system automatically assigns new serial numbers and generates new master serial numbers to support this.

create serial number in sap
create serial number in sap

Where are serial numbers stored in SAP?

SERI is an SAP Standard transparent table utilized to keep Serial Numbers data in SAP. It is part of the IQSM package.

Where do I locate my SAP serial number for the material?

The serial numbers of the requested material code can be obtained by executing the IQ09 t. code. Only the system generates serial numbers if the material code has a serialprofile. Experiment with IQ09 / IQ03 transaction codes.

Serial number tcode in sap

  • Table General Header of SER00-Serial No. Management
  • Table SER01-Serial Numbers for Delivery Document Header information
  • Table SER02 -Serial Numbers of maintenance Contract (SD or Order) Document Header information
  • Table SER03- Serial Numbers for Goods Movements Document Header information
  • Table SER04-Inspection Lot Serial Numbers Header Document
  • Table SER04-Serial Numbers for Inspection Lot Document Header information
  • Table SER05-Serial Numbers for PP Order Document Header information
  • Table SER06-Serial Numbers for Handling Unit- Document Header
  • Table SER07 to identify serial Numbers in Physical Inventory


To sum up the point, a serial number can help companies to keep track of specific information for specific materials. Keep in mind that it is crucial to coordinate the physical process to the right way, since transactions will need to be completed using those serial numbers.

Serial numbers are crucial in the SAP ecosystem for traceability, compliance, inventory management, quality control, service and maintenance, warranty management, and product lifecycle management. They uniquely identify individual items, facilitating accurate tracking of movement across the supply chain, ensuring legal compliance, facilitating precise inventory tracking, enabling quality control checks, linking products to service history, validating warranty claims, and providing visibility into usage, maintenance, and disposal. Understanding and leveraging serial numbers in SAP is a strategic advantage for managing electronics, machinery, and other serialized items.

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